Works/ Services under the Office:

Last Updated on: March 29, 2022

Nagaon Soil Conservation Division is implementing various Soil & Water Conservation schemes, Watershed projects  under the Head of SOPD-G, SOPD-SCSP, SOPD-TSP,RIDF and PMKSY-WDC. Different types of works undertaken are as follows;

  1. Agri. Land Erosion Control Structure (Gully Control Structures, Gully Plugs etc.)
  2. Nature Conservation/Beautification Schemes.
  3. Land Reclamation and Water Distribution Projects like Earthen Drainage Channel, Brick Canal etc..
  4. Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF) Projects.
  5. Afforestation/ Plantation works.( Cash crop and Afforestation projects)
  6. Water Distribution works ( both Earthen and Brick canal)
  7. Wet Land Development projects like reclamation/ renovation of Beels, Traditional water Tanks, Ox-bow lakes etc.
  8. Land Development Works such as Contour bund, Graded bund, Agri-field bund in paddy land and Trenching in Hilly areas etc.
  9. Water Harvesting structures such as RCC Check Dams, Water Harvesting Tanks/Ponds, Percolation Tanks etc.
  10. Moisture Conservation activities in farming areas like Field Bunds, Periphery Bunds, Contour Trenching etc.
  11. Watershed Management Projects.