Vision Document
VISION DOCUMENT (2017-18 TO 2022)
Soil is the most important natural resource upon which activities of human beings are dependent. The flora, fauna, agriculture, human inhabitation and other commercial activities are also dependent on the soil of a particular area. Soil undergoes various natural vagaries, which affect its structure and make it prone to erosion and loss. Nagaon Soil Conservation Division, Nagaon is therefore a major player amongst the agriculture and allied sectors of the District. Soil Conservation department basically deals in the effective and gainful management of the three most vital natural resources viz; soil, water and vegetation by implementation of various activities linked to land and water management on crop land, wasteland, degraded forest land and Riverine land. The Nagaon Soil Conservation Division, Nagaon undertakes various soil and water conservation measures with the objective of controlling all forms of erosion and soil and water losses caused by various factors.
- In-situ moisture conservation by which the soil erosion is checked by creating barrier on the path of surface run off by way of periphery Bund , Field Bund/Agril. Bund, Contour Trench, Gully Control Project, Water Harvesting cum Water Distribution Project etc. These interventions check the transfer of top most fertile of soil as well as supplement the irrigation whereby more agricultural production could be expected.
- Increase in net sown area by creation of new cultivable land by way of Land Reclamation etc.
- Raising of Agro-Forestry, Agri.-Horticultural crops where growing of cereals and pulses is not economical.
- Protection of agricultural land by way of River Training Works like Boulder Pitching, Boulder Revetment, Boulder Spur, R.C.C. Porcupine etc.
- Protection of flood prone alluvial lands by way of Protective Afforestation.
- Providing an alternative source of income to the Farmers practising Jhum cultivation through Cash Crop plantation like Rubber, Coffee, and Tea etc.
- Providing fodder by way of taking up plantation of trees of fodder species as well as raising Grass/Grass Land in typical erosion prone area and over grazing areas.
To conserve soil and surface run off along with restoration of ecological balance and adoption of income generating program among rural beneficiaries and to increase agricultural productivity in sustainable manner.
*Out of the total 5,43,063 Ha Geographical area of undivided Nagaon District
- Geographical Area of Nagaon District : 2,04,867 Ha.
- Geographical Area of Hojai District : 1,68,584 Ha.
- Geographical Area of Morigaon District : 1,69,612 Ha.
*Cultivable area under Undivided Nagaon
(Nagaon, Morigaon & Hojai District) : 4,02,464 Ha
*11,406 Ha of degraded pastures/grazing land are to be covered under plantation with the trees of fodder species.
*Cultivated area (Nagaon, Morigaon & Hojai District) : 3,72,680 Ha
*Land under non agricultural use : 41,124 Ha
*Land under miscellaneous Plantation : 14,005 Ha
*Bank erosion prone area of the streams and Rivers of Assam are to be covered by different soil conservation measures in order to check the continuous loss of agricultural land.
- The major issue relating to the Division is that the people are not aware of the services rendered by the Division. Huge publicity and awareness campaign need to be initiated with the expectation of release of required fund from the Govt.
- Shortage of man power in the Range, Division level.
- For proper supervision of various schemes, One motor vehicle is very much essential.
Different Activities of the Department:-
Land Development Works: Land Development works are mainly earthen works for development of land to make it suitable for cultivation on a sustained basis. Under this earthen bund, drainage channel, land leveling, contour bunding, terracing etc. are covered in the cropland or wasteland for sustainable agricultural development. Following types of land development works are done.

Field bunding & contour bunding : These are bunds made of earth fill. A series of bunds of suitable height are constructed with proper slope at suitable intervals which checks flow of runoff and helps in conservation of water in the catchment area. This gives increased production from the cultivated lands.
Land Reclamation and Water Distribution: Low lying waterlogged areas unfit for any productive use is reclaimed by constructing suitably designed drainage channel through the waterlogged area and disposing the stagnant

water through these channels to adjacent river /streams. Land reclamation is also done by cutting and leveling of tillah lands and eradication and removal of weeds like Ipomoea, water hyacinth manually or by using herbicides.
Gully Control Works : Gully erosion is the main erosion problem which damages a considerable area of agricultural land annually. Gullies are the formation in the soil by the surface runoff water
initiating sheet, rill and finally the gullies resulting in accountable loss of top fertile soil. Gully control structures like spillways, check dams etc. are constructed to stop further advancement of the gully heads and fingers and to improve the moisture regime in the command areas which results in increase in production from agricultural land.
River Bank Protection Work |
River Training /River Bank Stabilization Works: The rivers/streams in Assam are meandering in nature and have caused severe river bank erosion in areas adjacent to banks of most of the tributaries. Due to heavy sedimentation in riverbeds, the problem is getting worse every year. The department takes up schemes depending upon the availability of fund viz. protection of river bank erosion, stabilization of eroded river bank, straightening of meandering river etc. and for the purpose construction of bamboo/brush wood/boulder spurs, boulder revetments with vegetative support, loop cutting
works etc. to mitigate the problems.
River Training Works at Bahini River near Blind School under NEC |
Nature Conservation /Landscaping & Beautification Works : Nature Conservation, Landscaping and Beautification works are done in some part of the district which have created positive impact on people.
Protective Afforestation: All the riverine non agricultural land, degraded wasteland not suitable for raising agricultural crops are brought under plantation to provide permanent cover to the top soil.
Besides these Nagaon Soil conservation Division,Nagaon also takes up construction of Farm ponds, carries out plantation of Bamboo, medicinal plants, ginger, broom etc. depending upon the suitability of soil.
Water Harvesting pond:-
Water is stored to use for minor irrigation purpose to the paddy field during lean period.

Sl.No |
Name of Scheme |
Financial Achievement (Rs. In crores) |
Physical Achievement |
1 |
Land Development |
2.425 |
2021 Ha. |
2 |
Gully Control Project |
1.20 |
1000 Ha. |
3 |
Land Reclamation and Water Distribution |
1.08 |
900 Ha. |
4 |
Water Harvesting |
0.775 |
65 Ha. |
5 |
Rubber Plantation |
1.26339 |
1052 Ha. |
Total- |
6.74339 |
5038 Ha. |
Besides, a centrally sponsored programme namely Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP),RIDF schemes are looked after by Nagaon Soil Conservation Division,Nagaon.
FINANCIAL RESOURCES: Consistent with the indicator levels, the target has been calculated. The tentative estimation up to 2021-22 for the Nagaon Soil Conservation Division is shown below at Table No.1.
FROM 2017-18 to 2021-22
Rs. In Croce.
Sl. NO. |
Indicator |
Unit |
Cost Per Unit |
Target |
2017-18 |
2018-19 |
2019-20 |
2020-21 |
2021-22 |
1 |
Land Reclamation |
Ha |
18000 |
354 |
0.6372 |
371.7 |
0.669 |
390 |
0.702 |
409.5 |
0.735 |
429.96 |
0.774 |
2 |
Rubber Plantation |
Ha |
120000 |
37.5 |
0.45 |
39.39 |
0.474 |
41.34 |
0.495 |
43.41 |
0.522 |
45.57 |
0.546 |
3 |
Development of Natural Water body |
Nos. |
1000000 |
4 |
0.4 |
4.2 |
0.42 |
4.41 |
0.441 |
4.64 |
0.464 |
4.88 |
0.488 |
4 |
RCC Drop Spill way |
Nos. |
1200000 |
14 |
1.68 |
14.7 |
1.764 |
15.44 |
1.852 |
16.21 |
1.944 |
17.02 |
2.042 |
5 |
Farm Pond |
Nos. |
200000 |
25 |
0.5 |
26.25 |
0.525 |
27.56 |
0.55 |
28.94 |
0.578 |
30.38 |
0.607 |
6 |
Boulder Pitching |
Rm |
6298 |
110 |
0.069 |
115.5 |
0.073 |
121.27 |
0.077 |
127.32 |
0.08 |
133.67 |
0.084 |
7 |
Boulder Spur with GI Net |
Nos. |
374400 |
10 |
0.374 |
10.5 |
0.389 |
11.03 |
0.413 |
11.57 |
0.433 |
12.14 |
0.454 |
8 |
Land Development (Earthen bund) |
Rm |
1223 |
2000 |
0.244 |
2100 |
0.257 |
2205 |
0.27 |
2315.24 |
0.283 |
2431 |
0.297 |
9 |
Building & Approach Road |
Nos. |
2500000 |
1 |
0.25 |
1 |
0.25 |
1 |
0.25 |
1 |
0.25 |
0 |
0 |
10 |
Motor Vehicle |
Nos. |
800000 |
1 |
0.08 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Sub Total= |
4.6842 |
4.821 |
5.05 |
5.289 |
5.292 |
Total= |
25.13620 |
(Rates are as per Soil Conservation Departmental Norms 2013-14.)
Divisional Officer Nagaon Soil Conservation Division Katimari,Nagaon |
FROM 2017-18 to 2021-22 FOR NAGAON DISTRICT
District: - Nagaon |
Rs. In crore. |
Sl. NO. |
Indicator |
Unit |
Cost Per Unit In Rs. |
Target |
2017-18 |
2018-19 |
2019-20 |
2020-21 |
2021-22 |
1 |
Land Reclamation |
Ha |
18000.00 |
118 |
0.2124 |
123.9 |
0.223 |
130 |
0.234 |
136.5 |
0.245 |
143.32 |
0.258 |
2 |
Rubber Plantation |
Ha |
120000.00 |
12.5 |
0.15 |
13.13 |
0.158 |
13.78 |
0.165 |
14.47 |
0.174 |
15.19 |
0.182 |
3 |
Development of Natural Water body |
Nos. |
1000000.00 |
2 |
0.20 |
2.1 |
0.21 |
2.21 |
0.221 |
2.32 |
0.232 |
2.44 |
0.244 |
4 |
RCC Drop Spill way |
Nos. |
1200000.00 |
6 |
0.72 |
6.3 |
0.756 |
6.62 |
0.794 |
6.95 |
0.834 |
7.3 |
0.876 |
5 |
Farm Pond |
Nos. |
200000.00 |
9 |
0.18 |
9.45 |
0.189 |
9.92 |
0.198 |
10.42 |
0.208 |
10.94 |
0.219 |
6 |
Boulder Pitching |
Rm |
6298.00 |
50 |
0.031 |
52.5 |
0.033 |
55.13 |
0.035 |
57.88 |
0.036 |
60.77 |
0.038 |
7 |
Boulder Spur with GI Net |
Nos. |
374400.00 |
4 |
0.15 |
4.2 |
0.157 |
4.41 |
0.165 |
4.63 |
0.173 |
4.86 |
0.182 |
8 |
Land Development (Earthen bund) |
Rm |
1223.00 |
800 |
0.098 |
840 |
0.103 |
882 |
0.108 |
926.1 |
0.113 |
972.4 |
0.119 |
9 |
Building & Approach Road |
Nos. |
2500000.00 |
1 |
0.25 |
1 |
0.25 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
10 |
Motor Vehicle |
Nos. |
800000.00 |
1 |
0.08 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Sub Total= |
2.0714 |
2.079 |
1.92 |
2.015 |
2.118 |
Total for 5 years = |
10.2034 |
(Rates are as per Soil Conservation Departmental Norms 2013-14.)
Divisional Officer Nagaon Soil Conservation Division Katimari,Nagaon |